Allele Definition Biology Definition

Have you ever heard the term “allele” in biology? Alleles are one of the essential concepts in genetics, and they play a vital role in determining our physical characteristics. In this article, we will be discussing the definition of alleles, their types, and their importance.

Allele Definition Biology

What is an Allele?

An allele is a variant form of a gene that arises by mutation and is located at a specific position on a particular chromosome. Each gene has two alleles, one from each parent. These alleles can be dominant, recessive, or codominant.

Types of Alleles

There are three types of alleles: dominant, recessive, and codominant. Dominant alleles are expressed over recessive alleles, while codominant alleles express themselves equally.

Dominant Alleles

Dominant alleles are expressed when an individual has one or two copies of the dominant allele. For example, if an individual has a dominant allele for brown eyes, they will have brown eyes.

Recessive Alleles

Recessive alleles are expressed only when an individual has two copies of the recessive allele. For example, if an individual has two copies of the recessive allele for blue eyes, they will have blue eyes.

Codominant Alleles

Codominant alleles are both expressed equally in an individual. For example, if an individual has a codominant allele for blood type AB, they will have both A and B antigens on their red blood cells.

Importance of Alleles

Alleles play a crucial role in determining an individual’s physical characteristics. They can determine eye color, hair color, blood type, and many other traits. Understanding alleles is essential in genetics and biology.


In conclusion, alleles are variant forms of genes that determine an individual’s physical characteristics. There are three types of alleles: dominant, recessive, and codominant. Understanding alleles is essential in the field of genetics and biology.

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  • Jung Sammie

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