ICD 10 Code for Kidney Stones

Hello 1-GSM Visitors! Kidney stones are a common problem that affects many people worldwide. The condition can cause severe pain and discomfort, and it’s essential to know the ICD 10 code for kidney stones to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. In this article, we will discuss the top three results in Google search for ICD 10 code for kidney stones in relaxed English language.

ICD 10 Code for Kidney Stones

What is ICD 10 Code for Kidney Stones?

The ICD 10 code for kidney stones is N20. This code is used to classify and code diagnoses related to kidney stones in medical records. It helps healthcare providers to track and monitor the incidence and prevalence of kidney stones and to ensure that patients receive the appropriate treatment.

ICD 10 Code for Kidney Stones: Top 3 Search Results

1. ICD-10-CM Code for Kidney Stones

The first result on the Google search for ICD 10 code for kidney stones is the ICD-10-CM code for kidney stones. The code is N20.0, which specifies the location of the kidney stones in the kidney. The code also indicates whether the stone is obstructive or non-obstructive and whether there is any associated infection or inflammation.

2. ICD 10 Code for Kidney Stones with Hydronephrosis

The second result on the Google search for ICD 10 code for kidney stones is the code for kidney stones with hydronephrosis. The code is N20.2, and it indicates that the kidney stones have caused a blockage in the urinary system, leading to the accumulation of urine in the kidney. Hydronephrosis can cause pain, fever, and other symptoms.

3. ICD-10-CM Code for Kidney Stones with Hematuria

The third result on the Google search for ICD 10 code for kidney stones is the code for kidney stones with hematuria. The code is N20.1, and it indicates that the kidney stones have caused bleeding in the urinary tract. Hematuria can cause blood in the urine, pain, and other symptoms.

How is Kidney Stones Diagnosed?

Kidney stones are usually diagnosed through a combination of medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests such as X-rays, CT scans, and ultrasounds. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, healthcare providers can use the ICD 10 code for kidney stones to record the diagnosis in medical records.

Treatment for Kidney Stones

Treatment for kidney stones depends on the size and location of the stones and the severity of symptoms. Treatment options include pain relief, medication to help pass the stones, surgery to remove the stones, and shock wave lithotripsy, a non-invasive procedure that uses shock waves to break up the stones.

Preventing Kidney Stones

Preventing kidney stones involves making dietary and lifestyle changes, such as drinking plenty of fluids, reducing salt intake, and avoiding foods that are high in oxalate, such as spinach, chocolate, and nuts. Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly can also help prevent kidney stones.


In conclusion, the ICD 10 code for kidney stones is N20, and it is used to classify and code diagnoses related to kidney stones in medical records. The code helps healthcare providers to track and monitor the incidence and prevalence of kidney stones and to ensure that patients receive the appropriate treatment. We hope this article has been helpful in providing information about the top three results in Google search for ICD 10 code for kidney stones. See you again at our other interesting article!

Related video of ICD 10 Code for Kidney Stones


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